Mythrio Vaerki

“There is something at work in my soul, which I do not understand.”
― Mary Shelley, Frankenstein


Name: Mythrio Vaerki
Nickname(s): Rio (preferred)
Age: 42 summers
Height: 5' 0"
Race: Viera | Rava Homunculus
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: They/Them/It
Sexuality: Asexual | Romantically curious
Relationship Status: Single
Name Day: 15th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon (11/14)
Place of Birth: Old Sharlayan Labyrinthos
Occupation: Alchemist || Healer
Notable Physical Features: Split two-tone hair, lop ears, hollow heterochromatic eyes, alchemical symbols and writing scars throughout body lacks genitalia

Voice Claim: Stephen Fu as Hwei (League of Legends)


Mythrio was born into a family of alchemy researchers based in the city-state of what is now called Old Sharlayan. As an only child and heir of his family's legacy and fortune, he was expected to take on alchemy from an early age. After years of training, it was clear to Mythrio's fathers that he was not adept at alchemy, even going into his adult years; he lacked confidence and struggled to understand even the most basic concepts.When Mythrio was 25, tragedy struck. Driven to prove his fathers wrong, the young Viera got too ambitious, and was caught in a horrible alchemy accident that resulted in him going into a coma. Devastated, his fathers reached out to every healer and researcher they could find to try and bring their son back. Everyone who tried to help said that nothing could be done.The Sharlayan community that was familiar with the work of the Vaerki family were devastated at the news, and were quite concerned when it seemed that the family cut off almost all contact, locking themselves away in their estate for months. Only 1 or 2 assistants would keep in contact with the Forum, delivering material and news as proof that work was still being done despite the tragedy.

After months of no news on Mythrio's condition, word came from the Vaerki family that the young Viera had opened his eyes. His fathers were overjoyed that they had their heir back. Mythrio was kept at his family's estate for quite awhile, his fathers telling others that he was still recovering from the life-changing experience. Many rumors went about because of how secretive the family was being, as every healer and researcher had been convinced that there was no saving him.Five years later, tragedy struck the Vaerki household once again when the family estate burned down, killing almost everyone who was inside. Mythrio and a couple of assistants were the only ones spared, and the young Viera subsequently became the only member left of his family, inheriting the legacy and wealth that was left.After not seeing the Vaerki heir for five years, outsiders were very curious what had become of Mythrio. To their surprise, he seemed relatively normal. His appearance was mostly the same, except now his eyes held a blankness that was not there before. Most people assumed it had something to do with his coma, but there were some who were not as convinced; this was encouraged by the fact that if one looked really closely, one would perhaps see scars running throughout Mythrio's body that were not there before. His personality had mostly stayed the same, although there seemed to be some certain quirks and expressions that just seemed a, Mythrio returned to the family business better than ever. Unlike before, he now seemed completely confident in his skills and had as much knowledge as any expert would. Although he still dabbled in the fusion of herbology and alchemy to create healing elixirs that his family was so known for, he started pivoting towards new inclinations--particularly about how alchemy could be used to enhance life...and perhaps even create it.



Discord: agentastral
Server: Balmung | Crystal Data Center
Time Zone: CST
Open to in-game RP and discord RP. I typically like to match my partner in terms of length. 21+ only.
What I'm looking for:

  • Long-term or short-term

  • Plot/Character driven

  • Friends/Enemies/Connections

  • Relationships based on psychological and/or emotional depth

Please discuss with me anything that would mentally or physically scar my character ahead of time.I look forward to potentially roleplaying with you!


1. Anomaly

Rio is an anomaly amongst the scientifically-inclined. If you are a researcher, you may be very interested in learning more about how Rio's existence is possible. Healers will notice their body is of not flesh and bone, and those who are aetherically-sensitive will notice an abundance of lightning aether coming off of them.

11. Out on the Town

Rio has started to frequent a variety of different establishments. Most of them they have no idea what they are about, only that they saw the ad for it and had some free time to kill. Perhaps you've met them at one of these establishments, or want to join them in going.

111. Alchemy

Rio has a knack for alchemy, and is particularly interested in how it can enhance life. They've even been rumored to dabble in more taboo applications that the normal individual would heavily look down upon...

I. Born From Desperation

After the accident that caused Mythrio to fall into a coma, his fathers turned to every healer and researcher in Old Sharlayan to try and help their son. However, after many weeks it was clear to everyone that there was nothing that could be done.
It was within just a couple of days that Mythrio perished.
His fathers couldn't handle the death of their son and heir, so they turned to desperate measures to bring him back from death. Using connections they had through the Forum, they got access to forbidden techniques using alchemy. Mythrio's life energy had manifested into a lightning crystal; it was this crystal that powered the Achondrite body the fathers fashioned in Mythrio's image, its form now humming with aether.
This new construct didn't know how to speak or walk, so the fathers kept it hidden away and taught it how to be a person while telling the outside world that Mythrio was recovering.

II. From Death Comes A New Life

"Mythrio" had a natural affinity for alchemy that the original did not, something that the fathers rejoiced at. They were particularly adept at creating enhancement potions and elixirs.
At first, "Mythrio" simply did what they were told. Whatever their fathers asked, they did without question or thought. However, after a couple of years, "Mythrio" started to become aware that they were having thoughts of their own. They started doing their own experiments and having an interest in the outside world. At this point, the fathers had not let them outside of the estate grounds and for the first time they started to feel frustration.
With this frustration came the realization that they did not want to be the "Mythrio" that the fathers wanted. They confronted the fathers about this and it broke out in a fight that resulted in the fathers locking them up.
Feeling a myriad of emotions that they were not familiar with, "Mythrio" purposefully caused a fire in their room. They used different elixirs to keep the fire burning and it quickly spread throughout the estate. "Mythrio" escaped by busting through a window, but most of the household was not as lucky.

In the aftermath of such a disaster, most people were convinced that it was an unfortunate accident. "Mythrio" inherited the legacy and fortune of the Vaerki family. Wanting to distance themselves from a life they did not know, "Mythrio" sold what was left of the estate and got themselves a smaller place to stay in Old Sharlayan.
In the present, "Mythrio", who now goes by Rio, likes to travel and experience all the things they were never able to before. They still practice alchemy, but focus more on enhancements and trying to uncover how they came to be in the first place.